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Van Tharp Swing Trading Systems

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This course has over 10 hours of instruction with significant follow-along documents, which you can download. You can review the videos as many times and as often as you like for two full years.

Swing Trading – A Great Way to Trade:

  • Do you want to trade more frequently but lack time to sit in front of a monitor during market hours?
  • Do you want higher returns than what you can generate with buy and hold in your retirement account?
  • Do you have reliable trading systems for the bull, sideways, and bear market types?
  • Are you looking for a series of relatively uncorrelated opportunities to trade nearly every day?
  • Would you be comfortable putting on short positions?
  • Do you already follow the markets closely?
  • Are you capable of entering simple trade orders?
  • Would you like a more systematic approach to trading?
  • Are you disciplined enough to follow the rules – even though you may not feel entirely comfortable?
  • To trade successfully, do you really know what else you need in addition to HAVING good trading systems?

If you answered yes to some or all of these questions, the new Swing Trading Systems Elearning course might have what you need.

In the Swing Trading Systems Elearning course, Dr. Ken Long teaches five swing trading systems that he developed and traded.

Some of these systems are based on research from published work of analysts or traders while others are his own unique creations.

These are not conceptual strategies that should work in theory or which have nice backtests. These systems have specific rules that have proven themselves to work in live trading.  In addition to Dr. Long’s track record trading them over a period of several years, he has lots of anecdotal data from institutional and individual traders who attended his previous swing workshops and who trade these systems actively today.  These five swing systems generate setup signals that are the basis for many of Dr. Long’s intraday trades today as well.

About Van Tharp Institute:

Dr. Tharp is a renowned author of several acclaimed books on trading and investing. His publications include Super Trader, Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, Safe Strategies for Financial Freedom (a New York Times Bestseller), and Financial Freedom Through Electronic Day Trading. He is widely recognized for his expertise in position sizing and has been featured in prestigious publications such as Forbes and Barron’s. Dr. Tharp has collected over 5,000 successful trading profiles and developed a comprehensive Peak Performance Home Study Course. He also offers tools like the Investment Psychology Inventory Profile and the TharpTraderTest.com quiz to assist traders in understanding their strengths and developing winning trading systems. Download Van Tharp forex trading institute by clicking the subscribe button below.

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